The unlikeable Nicholas Hoult plays 'R', one of many zombies in a post-apocalyptic world, who inherits the memory and emotion of a random jock guy when he eats his brain. Needless to say that I hated every moment, and sitting through it was a chore indeed. In fact it's pretty much TWILIGHT with zombies instead of vampires, and it's a film that serves to thrust post-modern mindless slacker humour down the throat of the viewer at every opportunity. Yeah, WARM BODIES is a mess, and unlikely to thrill the viewer unless they're an American teenager, because this film is squarely aimed at the TWILIGHT market. Reviewed by Leofwine_draca 2 / 10 Twilight with zombies Warm Bodies is offbeat, it does not all make sense and it certainly lacks gore. Writer/Director Jonathan Levine does something refreshing and even fun with the zombie genre. It is only the bonies who are skeletal zombies who are pure evil.

Other zombies in his group also start to change developing emotions and speaking again. R finds that he is changing such as being able to dream again. They both seek out fun such as driving a fast car. R saves Julie and they hide out in a plane. They are attacked by some zombies that includes R (Nicholas Hoult) who eats Perry's brain and in doing so relives Perry's memories. This includes his daughter Julie (Teresa Palmer) and her boyfriend Perry. Grigio (John Malkovich) the militant leader send sends a group out to look for food. Human survivors are small in number and live within an enclosed wall of their city.

It does owe a debt to the Twilight movies as well as Romeo and Juliet. Warm Bodies is a slacker zombie romance film with heart. Reviewed by Prismark10 6 / 10 I kissed a zombie

Caught between the paranoid human forces and the ferocious "Bonies", zombies who are a mutual threat, R and Julie must find a way to bridge the differences of each side to fight for a better world no one thought possible.-Kenneth Chisholm ( ) As this change spreads through the local undead population like a virus, Julie and R eventually have to face a larger issue when the very nature of their friendship is challenged. What happens next is the beginning of a strangely warm relationship that allows R to begin regaining his humanity. While fighting with and feeding on a human scavenger party, R meets Julie and feels an urge to protect her. With much of the world's population now an undead horde, R is a young and oddly introspective zombie.