Bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist
Bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist

bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist

The Bach Edition clocks in with 155 CDs (which happens to be two more than in the Teldec project). The Mozart collection has 170 CDs, making it the largest of the Brilliant projects. Of course recognizing that something is missing has a lot to do with the size of the search space. 426) but the adagio seemed to have fallen through the cracks! My guess is that this happens to just about every project that tries to be "complete " so I was more perplexed that it took me this long to notice the omission! 546 Adagio and Fugue for string quartet (or string orchestra) and I confirmed this was a second search on the string "546!" The fugue was there in its two-piano version (K. What surprised me, however, was that I did not get a hit for the K. Since all of the files on the Mozart CD were in PDF, it was easy enough to have Windows search the entire CD for the text string "fugue." This gave me more "hits" than I found when I consulted "fugue" in the index of Louis Biancolli's Mozart Handbook but, as I anticipated, it still left me with a rather modest number. At a time when I was trying to address the phenomenological question of how the ear deals with the interplay of sequencing and simultaneity in complex contrapuntal structures, such as fugues, it occurred to me that, while I had written about this issue in the performance of Bach, I was not quite sure just how many fugues Mozart had actually written (not counting his arrangements of Bach). However, the CD for the Mozart collection allowed me to pursue a specific question far more thoroughly than I could with my other resources and, in the course of that pursuit, turned up an interesting missing item.

bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist

I already observed that this CD was almost essential for finding any specific cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach, since there is no systematic order to how they have been assigned to the CDs in the collection. This is a case where I have already covered most of the major categories, such as symphonies, concertos, and large portions of chamber music but, as I did with other Brilliant collections, I am working my way through the CDs in the order in which they are packaged.īefore getting into the music itself, I wanted to make one comment on the idea of dispensing with printed liner notes and providing a data CD instead. Thus, having now made two ascents of " Mount Bach," I am now in the midst of my first expedition into the complete works of Ludwig van Beethoven. Having first introduced myself to Brilliant Classics through their collection of the complete works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and then received their Bach Edition as a gift (as I previously observed, in the close quarters of a condominium which already housed the Teldec Bach 2000 collection), I have now decided that, given their economies of both price and space, that it is worth investigating similar Gesamtwerk projects.

Bach 2000 the complete bach edition tracklist